Friday, July 15, 2011


TODAY was great. I spent my day hanging out with my best friend Jackie. We went bridesmaid's shopping and then we went to the Morton Arboretum to walk around and get some exercise, and we randomly walked into this

Jackie and I really wanted to see what it was made out of. I thought it could have been made out of legos, but I was wrong.

It was just made out of wood. LAME!!! Lego's would have kicked ass!

Then we walked into this interesting plant. It was pretty but totally odd to us.

That night I got a chance to go to a

game. I got a beer in this fab cup. When I first came I had to get a stamp on my hand and show my ID to drink alcohol.  I gave the " alcohol guy " my ID upside down on accident and he goes, " is she drunk already?" My uncle goes " no she's just happy like this all the time. I don't know why she drinks."  I started laughing when the ID man told me that.

During the game it was superhero night and people dressed up as their favorite hero. Before we left my uncle and I got a pic with this guy.

Then as we were walking back to our car we got to see

How was your Friday?


  1. Yours was waaaay better than mine. I worked all day and then went to bed. Happy Sunday Nikki!

  2. Hi Michelle,
    I hope you had a fab weekend. Have a great day!
