It's my 2 year anniversary of being a SURVIVOR!!! What I mean by that is, I have survivored a sexual asault that happened 5 years ago ( when I was a Junior in College) and until the last year I have finally become a survivor of this past event. I went through Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder for a very long time because of this. As long as it took to get past this scarry event I had
I made this in a pottery making class. The person on top represents me and celebrating that having HOPE GETS YOU THROUGH TOUGH TIME!
Thanks to taking time to learn about what happened to me and learning how to heal. I have finally come to a good place. A way I healed was by talking to someone and going to some helpful websites like, RAINN , and for a local website which I support and have gone to events, the group is called Mutual Ground. Both of these places share great messages. You can find both of these support groups on facebook. Another way I like to celebrate my healing is by making posters. I made a poster of what I use to be like. It was very dark and sad.. Now my posters are happy like this
I made this one this year!
Last years poster
This is to all the survivors and people struggling out there!
so proud of you love you!