Friday, February 4, 2011


Today was a great Friday. I work in a kindergarten class and each  week  there is a star of the week. The star of the week brings in a book about themselves, their favorite toy, their hobby, favorite book and mystery idem.

Today I was fortunate to be in the class when they were doing star of the week and we were reading the star of the weeks favorite book. The book she brought in was Tangled. It was great because my teacher  was reading it and I could just sit and listen. Half of the kindergarten class had already seen the movie and both me and the teacher said how we have both been wanting to see the movie so we were looking forward to reading it.

Normally read alouds last 10 mins but because both me and my teacher wanted to see how the story ended we read for 20 mins.. After twenty mins we did torso twists. It is always a joy to watch 22  kindergarten kids doing exercise.

This is an exercise I also do on my wii fit that I love. You can do this exercise with your hands extended out to the side. You will look like a capital T.

Has anyone seen tangled and would you recommend it?

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