Monday, February 28, 2011

Awards night!

I have had one of the best weekends thank to starting my Friday off right with a meeting for school. It was institute day and normally the meeting are really boring, but for the first time we got to go to a meeting about LAUGHTER and incorporating it in our classroom and everyday life! We did some exercises where we were laughing and he even had people on stage. I of course volunteered and got to go up on stage. There were five of us and we had to pretend to be Lady Gaga thanks to the audience. Then we had to stand in a row and one person who was on stage asked us a question and each of us could only say one word to answer the question. It was tricky but fun to participate.
Then Friday night I got to hang out with my best friend Joe and we went to a comedy show at a local college campus.

Then Saturday was the reunion and Sunday was a great day! I got to see my 90 year old grandma, who is just so funny when she is on and making sense. She has dementia. So simple moments when she lights up and see's me is worth a lot.
Later Sunday was the Awards show and my friend Cait came over and we had my famous Guac!!
Thanks to learning how to make Guac, it is my new obsession, meaning making it and eating it!
Besides that we had our

Yes there is cork in there. It is always fun when Cait and I get together to open wine bottles. :) 

I was happy to see that Christian Bale won best supporting actor!  Did all your favorites win? 

1 comment:

  1. haha ohmygosh LOVE this- i crack up everytime we try and open wine bottles- for our 2nd time and we NEVER get that stupid cork! love this pic too girl! xoxo thanks so much for having me over!
