Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Spring break baby, I am loving it!!! This day has especially be FLIPPING FABULOUS!!!  This morning I got the pleasure of hanging out with my good friend Cait  and eating our yummy lunch

It doesn't look like much but Cait and I spent about ten minutes adding red pepper spice, cheese and pepperoni to this deliciousness!

Then I introduced her to my obsession; my WII FIT and Just Dance. We spent hrs dancing, playing games and laughing!!!! 

laughter from video to come....

Then after Cait I got my kick-ass hair cut from Amber Waves

For dinner time, I invited one of my good friends Jackie over and we watched one of our favorite shows: Biggest Loser.  We had this delicious treat as we watched.
It is skittles, chocolate chips, almonds, whole grain cheerios and raisins!
We had this yummy lemon chicken and salad for dinner! Simple but a delicious healthy meal!

What do you love to eat for snacks as you watch your favorite shows?


  1. I've been eating skinny cow ice cream sandwiches in mint flavor- delish!!

  2. Megan that sounds delish. Can you get those ice cream sandwiches anywhere? I would like to try it.

  3. ahha ohmygosh i'm already so exited/nervous to see my ridiculous video...oh WIi Fit what have you done to me ;) xoxo
